
Find job the efficient way with Bulk Apply

Explore the comprehensive features of the auto-apply jobs to streamline your job-finding and help find your dream jobs.

Helping build careers

Automate Job Applications

Apply to thousands of job listings across multiple portals quickly and efficiently, streamlining your job search and maximizing your opportunities.

Extensive Job Discovery

Access a vast network of 18 job portals to discover a wide range of job opportunities that match your skills and preferences.

AI-Powered Question Responses

Experience intelligent AI assistance that provides instant answers to questions during the job application process, enhancing your chances of success.

Flexible Payment Plans

Choose and shift anytime from the range of Monthly, 3 months & Yearly plans that fits according to your needs and requirement.

Predictive ATS Scores

Gain insights into your application's success probability with predictive Applicant Tracking System (ATS) scores for each job, helping you focus on the most promising opportunities.